
Output.system_attribute(time, attribute=None, asframe=True)[source]

For all nodes at given time, get a one or more attributes.

time: Union[str, int, datetime]

The datetime or simulation index for which to pull data, defaults to None.

attribute: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None]

The attribute index or name.

On of:

air_temp, rainfall, snow_depth, evap_infil_loss, runoff_flow, dry_weather_inflow, gw_inflow, rdii_inflow, direct_inflow, total_lateral_inflow, flood_losses, outfall_flows, volume_stored, evap_rate.

defaults to None.

Can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.system_attributes.

Setting to None indicates all attributes.

asframe: bool

A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True.


A DataFrame of attribute values in each column for requested simulation time.


Pull all system attributes for the 10th time step

>>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path
>>> out = Output(test_out_path)
>>> out.system_attribute(10)
    air_temp                70.000000
    rainfall                 0.030000
    snow_depth               0.000000
    evap_infil_loss          0.015042
    runoff_flow              0.066304
    dry_weather_inflow       0.801000
    gw_inflow                0.101737
    rdii_inflow              0.000000
    direct_inflow            0.000000
    total_lateral_inflow     0.969041
    flood_losses             0.000000
    outfall_flows            0.944981
    volume_stored         1731.835938
    evap_rate                0.000000
    ptnl_evap_rate           0.000000

Last update: Mar 31, 2022