Source code for swmm.pandas.output.output

from aenum import EnumMeta
import os.path
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, List, NoReturn, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from aenum import Enum, extend_enum
from julian import from_jd
from numpy import asarray, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, concatenate, datetime64
from numpy import integer as npint
from numpy import ndarray, stack, tile, vstack
from pandas.core.api import (
from swmm.toolkit import output, shared_enum

from swmm.pandas.output.structure import Structure
from import arrayish, _enum_get, _enum_keys

def output_open_handler(func):
    """Checks if output file is open before running function.

    func: function
        method of Output class

    def inner_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._loaded:

        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return inner_function

[docs]class Output(object): def __init__(self, binfile: str): """Base class for a SWMM binary output file. The output object provides several options to process timeseries within binary output file. Output files should be closed after use prevent memory leaks. Close them explicitly with the `_close()` method or deleting the object using `del`, or use it with a context manager. .. code-block:: python # Using a the _close method >>> from swmm.pandas import Output >>> out = Output('tests/Model.out') >>> print(out.project_size) [3, 9, 8, 1, 3] >>> out._close() # can also use `del out` >>> # Using a context manager >>> with Output('tests/Model.out') as out: ... print(out.pollutants) ('groundwater', 'pol_rainfall', 'sewage') Parameters ---------- binfile: str model binary file path Returns ------- """ self._period: int """number of reporting time steps in the """ self._report: int """out file reporting time step in seconds""" self._start: datetime """start datetime of the output file records""" self._end: datetime """end datetime of the output file records""" self._timeIndex: DatetimeIndex """DatetimeIndex to use for output timeseries""" self._project_size: List[int] """Array of element count values [nSubcatchments, nNodes, nLinks, nSystems(1), nPollutants]""" self._subcatchments: Tuple[str, ...] """Tuple of subcatchment names in output file""" self._links: Tuple[str, ...] """Tuple of link names in output file""" self._pollutants: Tuple[str, ...] """Tuple of pollutant names in output file""" self._handle = None self._binfile: str = binfile """path to binary output file""" self._delete_handle: bool = False """Indicates if output file was closed correctly""" self._loaded: bool = False """Indicates if output file was loaded correctly""" self.subcatch_attributes = Enum( "subcatch_attributes", list(shared_enum.SubcatchAttribute.__members__.keys())[:-1], start=0, ) """Subcatchment attribute enumeration: By default has 'rainfall', 'snow_depth', 'evap_loss', 'infil_loss', 'runoff_rate', 'gw_outflow_rate', 'gw_table_elev', 'soil_moisture' """ # need copies of enumes to extend them for pollutants # basically recreate enums using the keys from shared_enum # but drop POLLUT_CONC_0 for each # # I looked into using swmm.toolkit.output_metadata for this but it # extends global enums, which could break having multiple # output objects opened in the same python session if they # have different pollutant names self.node_attributes = Enum( "node_attributes", list(shared_enum.NodeAttribute.__members__.keys())[:-1], start=0, ) """Node attribute enumeration: By default has 'invert_depth', 'hydraulic_head', 'ponded_volume', 'lateral_inflow', 'total_inflow', 'flooding_losses' """ self.link_attributes = Enum( "link_attributes", list(shared_enum.LinkAttribute.__members__.keys())[:-1], start=0, ) """Link attribute enumeration: By default has 'flow_rate', 'flow_depth', 'flow_velocity', 'flow_volume', 'capacity', """ self.system_attributes = shared_enum.SystemAttribute """System attribute enumeration: By default has 'air_temp', 'rainfall', 'snow_depth', 'evap_infil_loss', 'runoff_flow', 'dry_weather_inflow', 'gw_inflow', 'rdii_inflow', 'direct_inflow', 'total_lateral_inflow', 'flood_losses', 'outfall_flows', 'volume_stored', 'evap_rate', 'ptnl_evap_rate' """ @staticmethod def _elementIndex( elementID: Union[str, int, None], indexSquence: Sequence[str], elementType: str ) -> int: """Validate the index of a model element passed to Output methods. Used to convert model element names to their index in the out file. Parameters ---------- elementID: str, int The name or index of the model element listed in the index_dict dict. indexSquence: one of more string The ordered sequence against which to validate the index (one of self.nodes, self.links, self.subcatchments). elementType: str The type of model element (e.g. node, link, etc.) Only used to print the exception if an attribute cannot be found. Returns ------- int The integer index of the requested element. Raises ------ OutputException Exception if element cannot be found in indexSequence. """ if isinstance(elementID, (int, npint)): return int(elementID) try: return indexSquence.index(elementID) # since this class can pull multiple attributes and elements in one function # call it is probably better to do some pre-validation of input arguments # before starting a potentially lengthy data pull except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"{elementType} ID: {elementID} does not exist in model output." ) @staticmethod def _validateAttribute( attribute: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], validAttributes: Enum, ) -> Tuple[list, list]: """ Function to validate attribute arguments of element_series, element_attribute, and element_result functions. Parameters ---------- attribute: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None] The attribute to validate against validAttributes. validAttributes: dict THe dict of attributes against which to validate attribute. Returns ------- Tuple[list, list] Two arrays, one of attribute names and one of attribute indicies. """ # this kind of logic was needed in the series and results functions. # not sure if this is the best way, but it felt a bit DRYer to # put it into a funciton if isinstance(attribute, (type(None), EnumMeta)): attributeArray = _enum_keys(validAttributes) elif isinstance(attribute, arrayish): attributeArray = attribute else: attributeArray = [attribute] # allow mixed input of attributes # accept string names, integers, or enums values in the same list attributeIndexArray = [] for i, attrib in enumerate(attributeArray): if isinstance(attrib, Enum): attributeArray[i] = attributeIndexArray.append(attrib) elif isinstance(attrib, (int, npint)): # will raise index error if not in range attribName = _enum_keys(validAttributes)[attrib] attributeArray[i] = attribName attributeIndexArray.append(_enum_get(validAttributes, attribName)) elif isinstance(attrib, str): index = _enum_get(validAttributes, attrib) if index is None: raise ValueError( f"Attribute {attrib} not in valid attribute list: {_enum_keys(validAttributes)}" ) attributeIndexArray.append(index) else: raise TypeError( f"Input type: {type(attrib)} not valid. Must be one of int, str, or Enum" ) # attributeIndexArray = [validAttributes.get(atr, -1) for atr in attributeArray] return attributeArray, attributeIndexArray @staticmethod def _validateElement( element: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], validElements: Sequence[str], ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int]]: """ Function to validate element arguments of element_series, element_attribute, and element_result functions. Parameters ---------- element: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None] The element name or index or None. If None, return all elements in validElements. validElements: Sequence[str] Tuple of elements against which to validate element. Returns ------- Tuple[list, list] Two arrays, one of element names and one of element indicies. """ # this kind of logic was needed in the series and results functions # not sure if this is the best way, but it felt a bit DRYer to # put it into a funciton if element is None: elementArray = list(validElements) elif isinstance(element, arrayish): elementArray = element else: # ignore typing since types of this output list # are reconciled in the next loop. mypy was complaining. elementArray = [element] # type: ignore elementIndexArray = [] # allow mixed input of elements. string names can be mixed # with integer indicies in the same input list for i, elem in enumerate(elementArray): if isinstance(elem, (int, npint)): # will raise index error if not in range elemName = validElements[elem] elementArray[i] = elemName elementIndexArray.append(elem) elif isinstance(elem, str): elementIndexArray.append(Output._elementIndex(elem, validElements, "")) else: raise TypeError( f"Input type {type(elem)} not valid. Must be one of int, str" ) return elementArray, elementIndexArray def _checkPollutantName(self, name: str) -> str: """Check pollutant name against existing attribute dicts. Rename and and warn if existing attribute is duplicated. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of pollutant. Returns ------- str The validated name of pollutant. """ elems = [] if name.lower() in _enum_keys(self.subcatch_attributes): elems.append("subcatchment") if name.lower() in _enum_keys(self.node_attributes): elems.append("node") if name.lower() in _enum_keys(self.link_attributes): elems.append("link") if name.lower() in _enum_keys(self.system_attributes): elems.append("system") if len(elems) > 0: warnings.warn( f"Pollutent {name} is a duplicate of existing {','.join(elems)} attribute, renaming to pol_{name}" ) return f"pol_{name}" return name def _open(self) -> bool: """Open a binary file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- bool True if binary file was opened successfully. """ if not os.path.exists(self._binfile): raise ValueError(f"Output file at: '{self._binfile}' does not exist") if self._handle is None: self._handle = output.init() if not self._loaded: self._loaded = True, self._binfile) self._start = from_jd( output.get_start_date(self._handle) + 2415018.5 ).replace(microsecond=0) self._report = output.get_times(self._handle, shared_enum.Time.REPORT_STEP) self._period = output.get_times(self._handle, shared_enum.Time.NUM_PERIODS) self._end = self._start + timedelta(seconds=self._period * self._report) # load pollutants if not already loaded if not hasattr(self, "_pollutants"): # load pollutant data if it has not before total = self.project_size[4] self._pollutants = tuple( self._checkPollutantName( self._objectName(shared_enum.ElementType.POLLUT, index).lower() ) for index in range(total) ) for i, nom in enumerate(self._pollutants): # extend enums to include pollutants extend_enum(self.subcatch_attributes, nom.upper(), 8 + i) extend_enum(self.node_attributes, nom.upper(), 6 + i) extend_enum(self.link_attributes, nom.upper(), 5 + i) return True def _close(self) -> bool: """Close an opened binary file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- bool True if binary file was closed successfully. """ if self._loaded: self._loaded = False self._delete_handle = True output.close(self._handle) return True ###### outfile property getters ###### @property # type: ignore @output_open_handler def report(self) -> int: """Return the reporting timestep in seconds. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- int The reporting timestep in seconds. """ return self._report @property # type: ignore @output_open_handler def start(self) -> datetime: """Return the reporting start datetime. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- datetime The reporting start datetime. """ return self._start @property # type: ignore @output_open_handler def end(self) -> datetime: """Return the reporting end datetime. Returns ------- datetime The reporting end datetime. """ return self._end @property # type: ignore @output_open_handler def period(self) -> int: """Return the number of reporting timesteps in the binary output file. Returns ------- int The number of reporting timesteps. """ return self._period @property # type: ignore def project_size(self) -> List[int]: """Returns the number of each model element type available in out binary output file in the following order: [subcatchment, node, link, system, pollutant] Parameters ---------- Returns ------- list A list of numbers of each model type. [nSubcatchments, nNodes, nLinks, nSystems(1), nPollutants] """ if not hasattr(self, "_project_size"): self._load_project_size() return self._project_size @output_open_handler def _load_project_size(self) -> NoReturn: """Load model size into self._project_size""" self._project_size = output.get_proj_size(self._handle) @property def pollutants(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Return a tuple of pollutants available in SWMM binary output file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Tuple[str] A tuple of pollutant names. """ # chose not to write a pollutant loader method # because loading such is kind of imperative to the functionality # of other data getter methods, which don't necessarily # call pollutants method. Instead, pollutant loading logic is # thrown in the _open() method, and this method calls open if # pollutants are not available. if self._pollutants is None: self._open() return self._pollutants @property # type: ignore @output_open_handler def _unit(self) -> Tuple[int]: """Return SWMM binary output file unit type from `swmm.toolkit.shared_enum.UnitSystem`. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Tuple[int] Tuple of integers indicating system units, flow units, and units for each pollutant. """ return tuple(output.get_units(self._handle)) # type: ignore @property def units(self) -> List[str]: """Return SWMM binary output file unit type from `swmm.toolkit.shared_enum.UnitSystem`. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- List[str] List of string names for system units, flow units, and units for each pollutant. Values returned are the names from swmm.toolkit.shared_enum: UnitSystem FlowUnits ConcUnits """ return [ shared_enum.UnitSystem(self._unit[0]).name, shared_enum.FlowUnits(self._unit[1]).name, ] + [shared_enum.ConcUnits(i).name for i in self._unit[2:]] @property # type: ignore @output_open_handler def _version(self) -> int: """Return SWMM version used to generate SWMM binary output file results. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- int Integer representation of SWMM version used to make output file. """ return output.get_version(self._handle) @output_open_handler def _objectName(self, object_type: int, index: int) -> str: """Get object name from SWMM binary output file using object type and object index. Parameters ---------- object_type: int The object type from swmm.toolkit.shared_enum.ElementType. index: int The object index. Returns ------- str object name """ return output.get_elem_name(self._handle, object_type, index) ##### timestep setters and getters ##### def _time2step( self, dateTime: Union[ None, str, int, datetime, Timestamp, datetime64, Sequence[Union[str, int, datetime, Timestamp, datetime64]], ], ifNone: int = 0, method: str = "nearest", ) -> List[int]: """Convert datetime value to SWMM timestep index. By deafult, this returns the nearest timestep to to the requested date, so it will always return a time index available in the binary output file. Parameters ---------- dateTime: datetime-like or string or sequence of such datetime to convert. Must be a datetime-like object or convertable with `pd.to_datetime`. ifNone: int The value to return if dateTime is None, defaults to 0. method: str The method name to pass to pandas `get_indexer`_, default to "nearest. .. _get_indexer: Returns ------- Union[int, np.ndarray] SWMM model time step or array of time steps """ if dateTime is None: return [ifNone] dt = asarray(dateTime).flatten() # if passing swmm time step, no indexing necessary if dt.dtype in (float, int): return dt.astype(int).tolist() # ensure datetime value dt = to_datetime(dateTime) return self.timeIndex.get_indexer(dt, method=method).tolist() @property def timeIndex(self) -> DatetimeIndex: """Returns DatetimeIndex of reporting timeseries in binary output file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- pd.DatetimeIndex A pandas `DatetimeIndex`_ for each reporting timestep. .. _DatetimeIndex: """ if not hasattr(self, "_timeIndex"): self._load_timeIndex() return self._timeIndex @output_open_handler def _load_timeIndex(self) -> NoReturn: """Load model reporting times into self._times""" self._timeIndex = DatetimeIndex( [ self._start + timedelta(seconds=self._report) * step for step in range(1, self._period + 1) ] ) ##### model element setters and getters ##### def _subcatchmentIndex( self, subcatchment: Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]], None] ) -> Union[List[int], int]: """Get the swmm index for subcatchment. Parameters ---------- subcatchment: Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]]] The name(s) of subcatchment(s). Returns ------- Union[List[int], int] The SWMM index(s) of subcatchment(s). """ if isinstance(subcatchment, (str, int, type(None))): return self._elementIndex(subcatchment, self.subcatchments, "subcatchment") elif subcatchment is not None: return [ self._elementIndex(sub, self.subcatchments, "subcatchment") for sub in subcatchment ] else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for _subcatchmentIndex argument") @property def subcatchments(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Return a tuple of subcatchments available in SWMM output binary file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Tuple[str] A tuple of model subcatchment names. """ if not hasattr(self, "_subcatchments"): self._load_subcatchments() return self._subcatchments @output_open_handler def _load_subcatchments(self) -> NoReturn: """Load model size into self._project_size""" total = self.project_size[0] self._subcatchments = tuple( self._objectName(shared_enum.ElementType.SUBCATCH, index) for index in range(total) ) def _nodeIndex( self, node: Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]], None] ) -> Union[List[int], int]: """Get the swmm index for node. Parameters ---------- node: Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]]] The name(s) of node(s) Returns ------- Union[List[int], int] The SWMM index(s) of node(s). """ if isinstance(node, (str, int, type(None))): return self._elementIndex(node, self.nodes, "node") # elif here because mypy issues elif node is not None: return [self._elementIndex(nd, self.nodes, "node") for nd in node] else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for self._nodeIndex argument") @property def nodes(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Return a tuple of nodes available in SWMM binary output file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Tuple[str] A tuple of model node names. """ if not hasattr(self, "_nodes"): self._load_nodes() return self._nodes @output_open_handler def _load_nodes(self) -> NoReturn: """Load model nodes into self._nodes""" total = self.project_size[1] self._nodes = tuple( self._objectName(shared_enum.ElementType.NODE, index) for index in range(total) ) def _linkIndex( self, link: Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]], None] ) -> Union[List[int], int]: """Get the swmm index for link. Parameters ---------- link: Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]]] The name(s) of link(s) Returns ------- Union[List[int], int] SWMM index(s) of link(s). """ if isinstance(link, (str, int, type(None))): return self._elementIndex(link, self.links, "link") # elif here because mypy issues elif link is not None: return [self._elementIndex(lnk, self.links, "link") for lnk in link] else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for self._linkIndex argument") @property def links(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Return a tuple of links available in SWMM binary output file. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Tuple[str] A tuple of model link names. """ if not hasattr(self, "_links"): self._load_links() return self._links @output_open_handler def _load_links(self) -> NoReturn: """Load model links into self._links""" total = self.project_size[2] self._links = tuple( self._objectName(shared_enum.ElementType.LINK, index) for index in range(total) ) ####### series getters ####### def _model_series( self, elementIndexArray: List[int], attributeIndexArray: List[Enum], startIndex: int, endIndex: int, columns: Optional[str], getterFunc: Callable, ) -> ndarray: """ Base series getter for any attribute. The function consilidates the logic necessary to build long or wide timeseries dataframes for each type of swmm model element. Parameters ---------- elementIndexArray: List[int] Array of SWMM model element indicies attributeIndexArray: List[enum] Array of attribute Enums to pull for each element startIndex: int SWMM simulation time index to start timeseries endIndex: int SWMM simulation time index to end timeseries columns: Optional[str] Decide whether or not to break out elements or attributes as columns. May be one of: None: Return long-form data with one column for each data point 'elem': Return data with a column for each element. If more than one attribute are given, attribute names are added to the index. 'attr': Return data with a column for each attribute. If more than one element are given, element names are added to the index. getterFunc: Callable The swmm.toolkit series getter function. Should be one of: swmm.toolkit.output.get_subcatch_series swmm.toolkit.output.get_node_series swmm.toolkit.output.get_link_series Returns ------- np.ndarray array of SWMM timeseries results Raises ------ ValueError Value error if columns is not one of "elem", "attr", or None """ if columns not in ("elem", "attr", None): raise ValueError( f"columns must be one of 'elem','attr', or None. {columns} was given" ) if columns is None: return concatenate( [ concatenate( [ getterFunc( self._handle, elemIdx, Attr, startIndex, endIndex ) for Attr in attributeIndexArray ], axis=0, ) for elemIdx in elementIndexArray ], axis=0, ) elif columns.lower() == "attr": return concatenate( [ stack( [ getterFunc( self._handle, elemIdx, Attr, startIndex, endIndex ) for Attr in attributeIndexArray ], axis=1, ) for elemIdx in elementIndexArray ], axis=0, ) elif columns.lower() == "elem": return concatenate( [ stack( [ getterFunc( self._handle, elemIdx, Attr, startIndex, endIndex ) for elemIdx in elementIndexArray ], axis=1, ) for Attr in attributeIndexArray ], axis=0, ) def _model_series_index( self, elementArray: List[str], attributeArray: List[str], startIndex: int, endIndex: int, columns: Optional[str], ) -> tuple: """ Base dataframe index getter for model timeseries. The function consilidates the logic necessary to build a data frame index for long or wide dataframes built with time series getters. Parameters ---------- elementArray: List[str] Array of SWMM model element names attributeArray: List[str] Array of attribute names pulled for each element startIndex: int SWMM simulation time index to start timeseries endIndex: int SWMM simulation time index to end timeseries columns: Optional[str] Decide whether or not to break out elements or attributes as columns. May be one of: None: Return long-form data with one column for each data point 'elem': Return data with a column for each element. If more than one attribute are given, attribute names are added to the index. 'attr': Return data with a column for each attribute. If more than one element are given, element names are added to the index. Returns ------- (pd.MultiIndex, Union[list,np.ndarray]) A pandas MultiIndex for the row indicies and an iterable of column names Raises ------ ValueError Value error if columns is not one of "elem", "attr", or None """ if columns not in ("elem", "attr", None): raise ValueError( f"columns must be one of 'elem','attr', or None. {columns} was given" ) if columns is None: dtIndex = tile( self.timeIndex[startIndex:endIndex], len(elementArray) * len(attributeArray), ) indexArrays = [dtIndex] names = ["datetime"] cols = ["result"] if len(elementArray) > 1: indexArrays.append( asarray(elementArray).repeat( (endIndex - startIndex) * len(attributeArray) ) ) names.append("element") if len(attributeArray) > 1: indexArrays.append( tile(asarray(attributeArray), len(elementArray)).repeat( endIndex - startIndex ) ) names.append("attribute") elif columns.lower() == "attr": dtIndex = tile(self.timeIndex[startIndex:endIndex], len(elementArray)) indexArrays = [dtIndex] names = ["datetime"] cols = attributeArray if len(elementArray) > 1: indexArrays.append(asarray(elementArray).repeat(endIndex - startIndex)) names.append("element") elif columns.lower() == "elem": dtIndex = tile(self.timeIndex[startIndex:endIndex], len(attributeArray)) indexArrays = [dtIndex] names = ["datetime"] cols = elementArray if len(attributeArray) > 1: indexArrays.append( asarray(attributeArray).repeat(endIndex - startIndex) ) names.append("attribute") index = ( MultiIndex.from_arrays( indexArrays, names=names, ) if len(indexArrays) > 1 else Index(indexArrays[0], name=names[0]) ) return index, cols
[docs] def subcatch_series( self, subcatchment: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] = ( "rainfall", "runoff_rate", "gw_outflow_rate", ), start: Union[str, int, datetime] = None, end: Union[str, int, datetime] = None, columns: Optional[str] = "attr", asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """Get one or more time series for one or more subcatchment attributes. Specify series start index and end index to get desired time range. Parameters ---------- subcatchment: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None] The subcatchment index or name. attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None], The attribute index or name. On of: **rainfall, snow_depth, evap_loss, infil_loss, runoff_rate, gw_outflow_rate, gw_table_elev, soil_moisture**. Defaults to: `('rainfall', 'runoff_rate', 'gw_outflow_rate').` Can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.subcatch_attributes. Setting to None indicates all attributes. start: Union[str,int, datetime, None], optional The start datetime or index of from which to return series, defaults to None. Setting to None indicates simulation start. end: Union[str,int, datetime, None], optional The end datetime or index of from which to return series, defaults to None. Setting to None indicates simulation end. columns: Optional[str], optional Decide whether or not to break out elements or attributes as columns. May be one of: None: Return long-form data with one column for each data point 'elem': Return data with a column for each element. If more than one attribute are given, attribute names are added to the index. 'attr': Return data with a column for each attribute. If more than one element are given, element names are added to the index. defaults to 'attr'. asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] A DataFrame or ndarray of attribute values in each column for requested date range and subcatchments. Examples --------- Pull single time series for a single subcatchment >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.subcatch_series('SUB1', 'runoff_rate') runoff_rate datetime 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.000000 1900-01-01 00:10:00 0.000000 1900-01-01 00:15:00 0.000000 1900-01-01 00:20:00 0.000000 1900-01-01 00:25:00 0.000000 ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 0.025057 1900-01-01 23:45:00 0.025057 1900-01-01 23:50:00 0.025057 1900-01-01 23:55:00 0.025057 1900-01-02 00:00:00 0.025057 [288 rows x 1 columns] Pull a wide-form dataframe for all parameters for a catchment >>> out.subcatch_series('SUB1', out.subcatch_attributes) rainfall snow_depth evap_loss infil_loss ... soil_moisture groundwater pol_rainfall sewage datetime ... 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.03000 0.0 0.0 0.020820 ... 0.276035 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900-01-01 00:10:00 0.03000 0.0 0.0 0.020952 ... 0.276053 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900-01-01 00:15:00 0.03000 0.0 0.0 0.021107 ... 0.276071 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900-01-01 00:20:00 0.03000 0.0 0.0 0.021260 ... 0.276089 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900-01-01 00:25:00 0.03000 0.0 0.0 0.021397 ... 0.276107 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 0.03224 0.0 0.0 0.027270 ... 0.280026 0.0 100.0 0.0 1900-01-01 23:45:00 0.03224 0.0 0.0 0.027270 ... 0.280026 0.0 100.0 0.0 1900-01-01 23:50:00 0.03224 0.0 0.0 0.027270 ... 0.280026 0.0 100.0 0.0 1900-01-01 23:55:00 0.03224 0.0 0.0 0.027270 ... 0.280026 0.0 100.0 0.0 1900-01-02 00:00:00 0.00000 0.0 0.0 0.027270 ... 0.280026 0.0 100.0 0.0 [288 rows x 11 columns] Pull a long-form dataframe of all catchments and attributes >>> out.subcatch_series(out.subcatchments, out.subcatch_attributes, columns=None) result datetime element attribute 1900-01-01 00:05:00 SUB1 rainfall 0.03 1900-01-01 00:10:00 SUB1 rainfall 0.03 1900-01-01 00:15:00 SUB1 rainfall 0.03 1900-01-01 00:20:00 SUB1 rainfall 0.03 1900-01-01 00:25:00 SUB1 rainfall 0.03 ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 SUB3 sewage 0.00 1900-01-01 23:45:00 SUB3 sewage 0.00 1900-01-01 23:50:00 SUB3 sewage 0.00 1900-01-01 23:55:00 SUB3 sewage 0.00 1900-01-02 00:00:00 SUB3 sewage 0.00 [9504 rows x 1 columns] Pull two parameters for one subcatchment and plot the results .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path # read output file in Output object out = Output(test_out_path) # pull rainfall and runoff_rate timeseries and plot them ax = out.subcatch_series('SUB1', ['rainfall', 'runoff_rate']).plot(figsize=(8,4)) plt.title("SUB1 Params") plt.tight_layout() Pull the one parameter for all subcatchments .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path # read output file in Output object out = Output(test_out_path) # pull runoff_rate timeseries for all cathments and plot them ax = out.subcatch_series(out.subcatchments, 'runoff_rate', columns='elem').plot(figsize=(8,4)) plt.title("Runoff Rate") plt.tight_layout() """ subcatchementArray, subcatchmentIndexArray = self._validateElement( subcatchment, self.subcatchments ) attributeArray, attributeIndexArray = self._validateAttribute( attribute, self.subcatch_attributes ) startIndex = self._time2step(start, 0)[0] endIndex = self._time2step(end, self._period)[0] values = self._model_series( subcatchmentIndexArray, attributeIndexArray, startIndex, endIndex, columns, output.get_subcatch_series, ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex, cols = self._model_series_index( subcatchementArray, attributeArray, startIndex, endIndex, columns ) return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=cols)
[docs] @output_open_handler def node_series( self, node: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] = ( "invert_depth", "flooding_losses", "total_inflow", ), start: Union[str, int, datetime, None] = None, end: Union[str, int, datetime, None] = None, columns: Optional[str] = "attr", asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """Get one or more time series for one or more node attributes. Specify series start index and end index to get desired time range. Parameters ---------- node: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None] The node index or name. attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None], The attribute index or name. On of: **invert_depth, hydraulic_head, ponded_volume, lateral_inflow, total_inflow, flooding_losses**. defaults to: `('invert_depth','flooding_losses','total_inflow')` Can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.node_attributes. Setting to None indicates all attributes. start: Union[str, int, datetime, None], optional The start datetime or index of from which to return series, defaults to None. Setting to None indicates simulation start. end: Union[str, int, datetime, None], optional The end datetime or index of from which to return series, defaults to None. Setting to None indicates simulation end. columns: Optional[str], optional Decide whether or not to break out elements or attributes as columns. May be one of: None: Return long-form data with one column for each data point 'elem': Return data with a column for each element. If more than one attribute are given, attribute names are added to the index. 'attr': Return data with a column for each attribute. If more than one element are given, element names are added to the index. defaults to 'attr'. asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] A DataFrame or ndarray of attribute values in each column for requested date range and nodes. Examples --------- Pull single time series for a single node >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.node_series('JUNC2', 'invert_depth') invert_depth datetime 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.334742 1900-01-01 00:10:00 0.509440 1900-01-01 00:15:00 0.562722 1900-01-01 00:20:00 0.602668 1900-01-01 00:25:00 0.631424 ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 0.766949 1900-01-01 23:45:00 0.766949 1900-01-01 23:50:00 0.766949 1900-01-01 23:55:00 0.766949 1900-01-02 00:00:00 0.766949 [288 rows x 1 columns] Pull a wide-form dataframe for all parameters for a node >>> out.node_series('JUNC2', out.node_attributes) invert_depth hydraulic_head ponded_volume lateral_inflow total_inflow flooding_losses groundwater pol_rainfall sewage datetime 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.334742 -0.705258 0.0 0.185754 0.185785 0.0 3.935642 0.000000 95.884094 1900-01-01 00:10:00 0.509440 -0.530560 0.0 0.196764 0.197044 0.0 8.902034 0.000000 90.335831 1900-01-01 00:15:00 0.562722 -0.477278 0.0 0.198615 0.199436 0.0 9.038609 0.000000 89.253334 1900-01-01 00:20:00 0.602668 -0.437332 0.0 0.200802 0.202462 0.0 9.259741 0.000000 87.919571 1900-01-01 00:25:00 0.631424 -0.408576 0.0 0.203108 0.205802 0.0 9.523322 0.000000 86.492836 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 0.766949 -0.273052 0.0 0.314470 0.352183 0.0 15.293419 39.303375 45.430920 1900-01-01 23:45:00 0.766949 -0.273052 0.0 0.314499 0.352183 0.0 15.313400 39.292118 45.430920 1900-01-01 23:50:00 0.766949 -0.273052 0.0 0.314530 0.352183 0.0 15.333243 39.281300 45.430920 1900-01-01 23:55:00 0.766949 -0.273052 0.0 0.314559 0.352183 0.0 15.352408 39.271194 45.430920 1900-01-02 00:00:00 0.766949 -0.273052 0.0 0.314590 0.352183 0.0 15.371475 39.261478 45.430920 [288 rows x 9 columns] Pull a long-form dataframe of all nodes and attributes >>> out.node_series('JUNC2', out.node_attributes, columns=None) result datetime element attribute 1900-01-01 00:05:00 JUNC1 invert_depth 0.002143 1900-01-01 00:10:00 JUNC1 invert_depth 0.010006 1900-01-01 00:15:00 JUNC1 invert_depth 0.017985 1900-01-01 00:20:00 JUNC1 invert_depth 0.025063 1900-01-01 00:25:00 JUNC1 invert_depth 0.031329 ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 STOR1 sewage 51.502193 1900-01-01 23:45:00 STOR1 sewage 51.164684 1900-01-01 23:50:00 STOR1 sewage 50.905445 1900-01-01 23:55:00 STOR1 sewage 50.715385 1900-01-02 00:00:00 STOR1 sewage 50.574486 [23328 rows x 1 columns] Pull flow timeseries and calculate the total flow volume for all nodes >>> from swmm.pandas.constants import gal_per_cf >>> df = out.node_series(out.nodes, ['lateral_inflow','total_inflow','flooding_losses']) lateral_inflow total_inflow flooding_losses datetime element 1900-01-01 00:05:00 JUNC1 0.002362 0.002362 0.0 1900-01-01 00:10:00 JUNC1 0.005792 0.005792 0.0 1900-01-01 00:15:00 JUNC1 0.006524 0.006524 0.0 1900-01-01 00:20:00 JUNC1 0.007306 0.007306 0.0 1900-01-01 00:25:00 JUNC1 0.008039 0.008039 0.0 ... ... ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 STOR1 0.000000 1.455056 0.0 1900-01-01 23:45:00 STOR1 0.000000 1.455056 0.0 1900-01-01 23:50:00 STOR1 0.000000 1.455056 0.0 1900-01-01 23:55:00 STOR1 0.000000 1.455056 0.0 1900-01-02 00:00:00 STOR1 0.000000 1.455056 0.0 [2592 rows x 3 columns] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # group by element name and sum, # then multiply by reporting timestep in seconds # then convert to millions of gallons >>> df.groupby('element').sum() * * gal_per_cf / 1e6 lateral_inflow total_inflow flooding_losses element JUNC1 0.101562 0.101898 0.000053 JUNC2 0.544891 0.857012 0.000000 JUNC3 0.000000 0.502078 0.080634 JUNC4 1.813826 2.096243 0.317929 JUNC5 0.000000 1.870291 0.073878 JUNC6 0.000000 1.701455 0.000000 OUT1 0.000000 1.698081 0.000000 OUT2 0.000000 0.575617 0.000000 STOR1 0.000000 1.862843 0.172482 """ nodeArray, nodeIndexArray = self._validateElement(node, self.nodes) attributeArray, attributeIndexArray = self._validateAttribute( attribute, self.node_attributes ) startIndex = self._time2step(start, 0)[0] endIndex = self._time2step(end, self._period)[0] values = self._model_series( nodeIndexArray, attributeIndexArray, startIndex, endIndex, columns, output.get_node_series, ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex, cols = self._model_series_index( nodeArray, attributeArray, startIndex, endIndex, columns ) return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=cols)
[docs] @output_open_handler def system_series( self, attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] = None, start: Union[str, int, datetime, None] = None, end: Union[str, int, datetime, None] = None, asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """Get one or more a time series for one or more system attributes. Specify series start index and end index to get desired time range. Parameters ---------- attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] The attribute index or name. On of: **air_temp, rainfall, snow_depth, evap_infil_loss, runoff_flow, dry_weather_inflow, gw_inflow, rdii_inflow, direct_inflow, total_lateral_inflow, flood_losses, outfall_flows, volume_stored, evap_rate**. defaults to `None`. Can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.system_attributes. Setting to None indicates all attributes. start_index: Union[str, int, datetime, None], optional The start datetime or index of from which to return series, defaults to None. Setting to None indicates simulation start. end_index: Union[str, int, datetime, None], optional The end datetime or index of from which to return series, defaults to None. Setting to None indicates simulation end. asframe: bool switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] DataFrame or ndarray of attribute values in each column for request date range Examples --------- Pull two system attribute time series >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.system_series(['total_lateral_inflow','rainfall']) total_lateral_inflow rainfall datetime 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.902807 0.03000 1900-01-01 00:10:00 0.902800 0.03000 1900-01-01 00:15:00 0.902793 0.03000 1900-01-01 00:20:00 0.902786 0.03000 1900-01-01 00:25:00 0.902779 0.03000 ... ... ... 1900-01-01 23:40:00 1.431874 0.03224 1900-01-01 23:45:00 1.431869 0.03224 1900-01-01 23:50:00 1.431876 0.03224 1900-01-01 23:55:00 1.431894 0.03224 1900-01-02 00:00:00 1.431921 0.00000 [288 rows x 2 columns] """ attributeArray, attributeIndexArray = self._validateAttribute( attribute, self.system_attributes ) startIndex = self._time2step(start, 0)[0] endIndex = self._time2step(end, self._period)[0] values = stack( [ output.get_system_series(self._handle, sysAttr, startIndex, endIndex) for sysAttr in attributeIndexArray ], axis=1, ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(self.timeIndex[startIndex:endIndex], name="datetime") return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=attributeArray)
####### attribute getters #######
[docs] @output_open_handler def subcatch_attribute( self, time: Union[str, int, datetime], attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] = ( "rainfall", "runoff_rate", "gw_outflow_rate", ), asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """For all subcatchments at a given time, get a one or more attributes. Parameters ---------- time: Union[str, int, datetime] The datetime or simulation index for which to pull data, defaults to None. attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None], The attribute index or name. On of: **rainfall, snow_depth, evap_loss, infil_loss, runoff_rate, gw_outflow_rate, gw_table_elev, soil_moisture**. Defaults to: `('rainfall','runoff_rate','gw_outflow_rate').` You can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.subcatch_attributes. Setting to None indicates all attributes. asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] A DataFrame or ndarray of attribute values in each column for requested simulation time. Examples --------- Pull rainfall for all catchments at start of simulation >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.subcatch_attribute(0,'rainfall') rainfall subcatchment SUB1 0.03 SUB2 0.03 SUB3 0.03 """ attributeArray, attributeIndexArray = self._validateAttribute( attribute, self.subcatch_attributes ) timeIndex = self._time2step([time])[0] values = stack( [ output.get_subcatch_attribute(self._handle, timeIndex, scAttr) for scAttr in attributeIndexArray ], axis=1, ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(self.subcatchments, name="subcatchment") return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=attributeArray)
[docs] @output_open_handler def node_attribute( self, time: Union[str, int, datetime], attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] = ( "invert_depth", "flooding_losses", "total_inflow", ), asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """For all nodes at a given time, get one or more attributes. Parameters ---------- time: Union[str, int, datetime] The datetime or simulation index for which to pull data, defaults to None attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None], The attribute index or name. On of: **invert_depth, hydraulic_head, ponded_volume, lateral_inflow, total_inflow, flooding_losses**. defaults to: `('invert_depth','flooding_losses','total_inflow')` Can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.node_attributes. Setting to None indicates all attributes. asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] A DataFrame or ndarray of attribute values in each column for requested simulation time. Examples --------- Pull all attributes from middle of simulation >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.node_attribute(out.period/2) invert_depth hydraulic_head ponded_volume ... groundwater pol_rainfall sewage node ... JUNC1 8.677408 10.177408 0.000000 ... 0.260937 99.739067 0.000000 JUNC2 4.286304 3.246305 0.000000 ... 0.366218 96.767433 2.475719 JUNC3 11.506939 8.036940 35.862713 ... 0.615687 94.522049 4.862284 JUNC4 14.936149 9.686150 6107.279785 ... 0.381425 96.532028 3.086555 JUNC5 11.190232 4.690233 0.000000 ... 0.443388 95.959351 3.597255 JUNC6 1.650765 1.650765 0.000000 ... 0.963940 91.113075 7.922997 OUT1 0.946313 1.046313 0.000000 ... 0.969624 91.060143 7.970241 OUT2 0.000000 -1.040001 0.000000 ... 0.367271 96.756134 2.479369 STOR1 18.282972 3.032968 7550.865723 ... 0.961457 91.136200 7.902364 [9 rows x 9 columns] """ attributeArray, attributeIndexArray = self._validateAttribute( attribute, self.node_attributes ) timeIndex = self._time2step([time])[0] values = stack( [ output.get_node_attribute(self._handle, timeIndex, ndAttr) for ndAttr in attributeIndexArray ], axis=1, ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(self.nodes, name="node") return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=attributeArray)
[docs] @output_open_handler def system_attribute( self, time: Union[str, int, datetime], attribute: Union[int, str, Enum, Sequence[Union[int, str, Enum]], None] = None, asframe=True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """For all nodes at given time, get a one or more attributes. Parameters ---------- time: Union[str, int, datetime] The datetime or simulation index for which to pull data, defaults to None. attribute: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None] The attribute index or name. On of: **air_temp, rainfall, snow_depth, evap_infil_loss, runoff_flow, dry_weather_inflow, gw_inflow, rdii_inflow, direct_inflow, total_lateral_inflow, flood_losses, outfall_flows, volume_stored, evap_rate**. defaults to `None`. Can also input the integer index of the attribute you would like to pull or the actual enum from Output.system_attributes. Setting to None indicates all attributes. asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] A DataFrame of attribute values in each column for requested simulation time. Examples --------- Pull all system attributes for the 10th time step >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.system_attribute(10) result attribute air_temp 70.000000 rainfall 0.030000 snow_depth 0.000000 evap_infil_loss 0.015042 runoff_flow 0.066304 dry_weather_inflow 0.801000 gw_inflow 0.101737 rdii_inflow 0.000000 direct_inflow 0.000000 total_lateral_inflow 0.969041 flood_losses 0.000000 outfall_flows 0.944981 volume_stored 1731.835938 evap_rate 0.000000 ptnl_evap_rate 0.000000 """ attributeArray, attributeIndexArray = self._validateAttribute( attribute, self.system_attributes ) timeIndex = self._time2step([time])[0] values = asarray( [ output.get_system_attribute(self._handle, timeIndex, sysAttr) for sysAttr in attributeIndexArray ] ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(attributeArray, name="attribute") return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=["result"])
####### result getters #######
[docs] @output_open_handler def subcatch_result( self, subcatchment: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], time: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """For a subcatchment at one or more given times, get all attributes. Only one of `subcatchment` or `time` can be multiple (eg. a list), not both. Parameters ---------- subcatchment: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], The subcatchment(s) name(s) or index(s). time: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], THe datetime(s) or simulation index(s). asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] A DataFrame or ndarray of all attribute values subcatchment(s) at given time(s). Examples --------- Pull all attributes at start, middle, and end time steps for a single catchment >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.subcatch_result("SUB1",[0,out.period/2,out.period-1]) rainfall snow_depth evap_loss infil_loss ... soil_moisture groundwater pol_rainfall sewage datetime ... 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.030 0.0 0.0 0.020820 ... 0.276035 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900-01-01 12:05:00 1.212 0.0 0.0 0.594862 ... 0.281631 0.0 100.0 0.0 1900-01-02 00:00:00 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.027270 ... 0.280026 0.0 100.0 0.0 [3 rows x 11 columns] Pull all attributes for all catchments at the start of the simulation >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.subcatch_result(out.subcatchments,'1900-01-01') rainfall snow_depth evap_loss infil_loss ... soil_moisture groundwater pol_rainfall sewage subcatchment ... SUB1 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.020820 ... 0.276035 0.0 0.0 0.0 SUB2 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.017824 ... 0.275048 0.0 0.0 0.0 SUB3 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.011365 ... 0.279013 0.0 0.0 0.0 [3 rows x 11 columns] """ if isinstance(subcatchment, arrayish) and isinstance(time, arrayish): raise Exception("Can only have multiple of one of subcatchment and time") elif isinstance(subcatchment, arrayish): label = "subcatchment" labels, indices = self._validateElement(subcatchment, self.subcatchments) timeIndex = self._time2step([time])[0] values = vstack( [ output.get_subcatch_result(self._handle, timeIndex, idx) for idx in indices ] ) else: label = "datetime" times = self.timeIndex if time is None else atleast_1d(time) indices = self._time2step(times) # since the timeIndex matches on nearst, we rebuild # the label in case it wasn't exact labels = self.timeIndex[indices] subcatchmentIndex = self._subcatchmentIndex(subcatchment) values = atleast_2d( vstack( [ output.get_subcatch_result(self._handle, idx, subcatchmentIndex) for idx in indices ] ) ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(labels, name=label) return DataFrame( values, index=dfIndex, columns=_enum_keys(self.subcatch_attributes) )
[docs] @output_open_handler def node_result( self, node: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], time: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], asframe: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """For one or more nodes at one or more given times, get all attributes. Only one of `node` or `time` can be multiple (eg. a list), not both. Parameters ---------- node: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], The node(s) name(s) or index(s). time: Union[int, str, Sequence[Union[int, str]], None], The datetime(s) or simulation index(s). asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] A DataFrame or ndarray of all attribute values nodes(s) at given time(s). Examples --------- Pull all attributes at start, middle, and end time steps for a single node >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.node_result("JUNC1",[0,out.period/2,out.period-1]) invert_depth hydraulic_head ponded_volume lateral_inflow ... flooding_losses groundwater pol_rainfall sewage datetime ... 1900-01-01 00:05:00 0.002143 1.502143 0.0 0.002362 ... 0.0 84.334671 0.000000 0.0 1900-01-01 12:05:00 8.677408 10.177408 0.0 2.665294 ... 0.0 0.260937 99.739067 0.0 1900-01-02 00:00:00 0.108214 1.608214 0.0 0.037889 ... 0.0 33.929119 66.251686 0.0 [3 rows x 9 columns] Pull all attributes for all nodes at the start of the simulation >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.node_result(out.nodes,'1900-01-01') invert_depth hydraulic_head ponded_volume lateral_inflow total_inflow flooding_losses groundwater pol_rainfall sewage node JUNC1 0.002143 1.502143 0.0 0.002362 0.002362 0.0 84.334671 0.0 0.000000 JUNC2 0.334742 -0.705258 0.0 0.185754 0.185785 0.0 3.935642 0.0 95.884094 JUNC3 0.000000 -3.470001 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 JUNC4 0.530241 -4.719759 0.0 0.657521 0.657521 0.0 5.066027 0.0 94.864769 JUNC5 0.090128 -6.409873 0.0 0.000000 0.027627 0.0 2.723724 0.0 82.198524 JUNC6 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 OUT1 0.000000 0.100000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 OUT2 0.000000 -1.040000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 STOR1 0.000000 -15.250000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 """ if isinstance(node, arrayish) and isinstance(time, arrayish): raise Exception("Can only have multiple of one of node and time") elif isinstance(node, arrayish): label = "node" labels, indices = self._validateElement(node, self.nodes) timeIndex = self._time2step([time])[0] values = vstack( [ output.get_node_result(self._handle, timeIndex, idx) for idx in indices ] ) else: label = "datetime" times = self.timeIndex if time is None else atleast_1d(time) indices = self._time2step(times) # since the timeIndex matches on nearst, we rebuild # the label in case it wasn't exact labels = self.timeIndex[indices] nodeIndex = self._nodeIndex(node) values = atleast_2d( vstack( [ output.get_node_result(self._handle, idx, nodeIndex) for idx in indices ] ) ) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(labels, name=label) return DataFrame( values, index=dfIndex, columns=_enum_keys(self.node_attributes) )
[docs] @output_open_handler def system_result( self, time: Union[str, int, datetime], asframe=True, ) -> Union[DataFrame, ndarray]: """For a given time, get all system attributes. Parameters ---------- time: Union[str, int, datetime] The datetime or simulation index. asframe: bool A switch to return an indexed DataFrame. Set to False to get an array of values only, defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame,np.ndarray] A DataFrame of attribute values in each row for requested simulation time. Examples --------- Pull all attributes at start of simulation >>> from swmm.pandas import Output,test_out_path >>> out = Output(test_out_path) >>> out.system_result('1900-01-01') result attribute air_temp 70.000000 rainfall 0.030000 snow_depth 0.000000 evap_infil_loss 0.013983 runoff_flow 0.000000 dry_weather_inflow 0.801000 gw_inflow 0.101807 rdii_inflow 0.000000 direct_inflow 0.000000 total_lateral_inflow 0.902807 flood_losses 0.000000 outfall_flows 0.000000 volume_stored 168.436996 evap_rate 0.000000 ptnl_evap_rate 0.000000 """ timeIndex = self._time2step([time])[0] values = asarray(output.get_system_result(self._handle, timeIndex, 0)) if not asframe: return values dfIndex = Index(_enum_keys(self.system_attributes), name="attribute") return DataFrame(values, index=dfIndex, columns=["result"])
[docs] def getStructure(self, link, node): """ Return a structure object for a given list of links and nodes. Parameters ---------- link: Union[str, Sequence[str]] The list of links that belong to the structure. node: Union[str, Sequence[str]] The list of nodes that below to the structure. Returns ------- Structure Structure comprised of the given links and nodes. """ return Structure(self, link, node)
# close outfile when object deleted # this doesn't always get called on sys.exit() # better to use output object with context # manager to ensure _open() and _close() are always closed # in some cases, you can get a memory leak message from swig: # >>> exit() # swig/python detected a memory leak of type 'struct Handle *', no destructor found. def __del__(self) -> NoReturn: """ Destructor for outfile handle :return: Nothing :rtype: NoReturn """ self._close() # method used for context manager with statement def __enter__(self): self._open() return self # method used for context manager with statement def __exit__(self, *arg) -> NoReturn: self._close()

Last update: Mar 31, 2022